Hayes Intermediate Newsletter
Eric Leopold, Principal
Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal
Office Phone: 517-925-5740 Office Fax: 517-925-5772
- OK2SAY & Social Media
- Spring Conferences
- All School Read
- 3rd Annual Hayes Talent Show
- Puberty: The Wonder Years
- How is my Student Doing?
- Hayes 6th Grade Career Fair
- Grand Ledge Vocal Arts Day!
- Greenheart Exchange Students
- Hayes Happenings!
- From the Office
- Reporting Illnesses
- Volunteering and Construction
- February 27th: Conferences (Virtual)
- March 3rd: All School Read
- March 4th/6th: Conferences (In Person)
- March 7th: 6th grade Career Fair
- March 7th: 1/2 Day, Trimester Ends
- March 18th: GL Vocal Arts Day
- March 19th: 3rd Annual Talent Show
- March 21st-31st:NO SCHOOL - Spring Break and Teacher PD
There has been an uptick in students reporting negative interactions with others on an app called Discord. Discord is a social media app that has historically been used by gamers, but many students use it when not actually gaming. In our recent OK2SAY student presentations, Discord and other social media sites were mentioned as places where adults pose as fellow students in order to lure them in. Additionally, students also use Discord under the guise of “talking about gaming” when they are actually having conversations they would not normally have if an adult were present. Additionally, students learned that OK2SAY has a way for students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools.
Spring Conferences 2/27, 3/4 & 3/6
- Virtual ONLY: February 27th 4pm-6pm
- In-Person ONLY: March 4th & 6th 4pm-7pm
- Deadline to sign up for conferences is 1 day prior to each conference date.
- For more information, please click this link.
To sign up for Spring Conferences:
- Visit this website
- Select your students homeroom teacher
- Please note if your conference is virtual or in person.
- Teachers will send the links to families for virtual conferences.
- Please note that conference are for core subjects only - no enrichment classes.
All School Read - Sponsored by our PTO
All School Read Begins March 3, sponsored by our PTO
Our whole school is about to take part in a special, community-wide shared reading event.
Every family will receive a free copy of the same book – Booked by Kwame Alexander – and will be asked to read it together at home in March. We are asking you to set aside time so that your family can participate in this special activity, beginning March 3. More information is included in this letter.
3rd Annual Hayes Talent Show
Attention 6th grade students! Do you have a special talent that you would like to showcase? Perhaps you'd like to:
- Sing a song
- Perform a dance routine
- Play an instrument
- Perform a comedy routine
- Put on a sports exhibition
- Show us something unique!
Hayes Intermediate will be offering an opportunity for students to audition and perform at the 3rd Annual Talent Show which will be held on the evening of March 19th. Homeroom teachers will prompt students to fill out an interest survey for those who would like to participate!
Puberty: The Wonder Years
Starting around March 10th, 6th Grade students will be receiving instruction from the curriculum Puberty: The Wonder Years during their Science Classes. Permission slips were sent home on Friday, February 21st. Please contact the school office at 517-925-5740 if you would like to arrange to review the curriculum ahead of time.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up next week. Meanwhile, you can check your student’s progress today!
To see your student’s current progress in the PowerSchool App:
- Open the PowerSchool App.
- If you have multiple students in the district, make sure the correct student is selected in the top right corner.
- Click on whatever class you are interested in.
- Click on the “Assignments” tab to see your student’s progress on specific classroom activities and practice assignments.
- Click on the “Standards” tab to see your student’s overall progress on specific course essential learnings.
Within the specific essential learning, you can click to get more detailed information about your student’s progress.
Practice Assignments are scored as follows:
- 4 - Demonstrates advanced understanding
- 3 - Demonstrates understanding
- 2 - Demonstrates partial understanding
- 1 - Demonstrates limited understanding
Standards are scored using a scale. Scales for all 5th and 6th Grade courses are located on the district website.
Please note: Scale and Rubric grades do not equate to letter grades.
If you need access to the PowerSchool App or PowerSchool Parent Portal, please click here or call the school office at 517-925-5740 and our amazing secretaries will walk you through the process..
Hayes 6th Grade Career Fair
The first annual Hayes Intermediate Career Fair will take place during the school day on Friday, March 7th and we need help from our families! We need parent/family volunteers who are willing to give three 20-minute presentations between 8:30am and 10:15am about their current or previous profession. The goal is to expose our students to a variety of careers and allow them to ask questions of professionals working in those careers.
All volunteers must complete the 2025 District Volunteer Application: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NDIzNDplbi1VUw==.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the above District Volunteer Application and submit the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvsdhQZLZs4H2L-xZQRPyGGb0WpVN0z6r-oawMybQQxxQFuA/viewform?usp=sharing
If you have questions, please reach out to one of our school counselors in the Hayes Student Services Office at (517) 925-5839.
Grand Ledge Vocal Arts Day!
Greenheart Exchange Students
Here is an opportunity to host a high school international exchange student NEXT school year. These students all speak English, have medical insurance, and have money to pay for their own incidental expenses. Students come from over 50 different countries and have a variety of interests. Host families come in all shapes and sizes. Contact Mr. Schuchaskie (schuchaskied@glcomets.net) for more information!
The school news is a completely student-led operation. They work hard creating and putting together content each week! They analyze and critique each episode as a class on Mondays and aim to improve each week. Thank you for supporting and encouraging our students. Here is a link for last weeks episode.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING: There are several ways to report an absence at Hayes. When using any of the options below please include the following information; Child's full name, homeroom teacher and the reason for their absences.
Online Attendance Reporting: You can use the online portal at ps.glcomets.net. Once you have logged in, select “Attendance Monitor” from the left navigation menu. Then, click “Report New Attendance.” After you have entered the date, reason, and explanation, click Submit. For more detailed instructions, please use the Parent Attendance Portal Directions . Please note: online attendance reporting is not available in the app; it is only available on the website.
You may continue to email HAAttendance@glcomets.net or call the attendance line at 517-925-5333.
We are in the midst of the “cold and flu” season, and still receiving positive reports of Influenza A, Strep Throat, RSV, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea/vomiting/diarrhea) and other nonspecific or undiagnosed symptoms of fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, and headache. If your student is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please keep them at home to slow the spread of illnesses.
When calling or emailing to excuse your students from school for illness, please let the secretaries know what your students symptoms are. We track symptoms and report them to the health department. Thank you!
The lost and found at Hayes is filling back up again. Please stop by and enter Door #19 to go through for your students lost items. All items left over at the end of February will be donated to Kens Coat Closet.
Please pull all the way forward when dropping off students in the morning and picking up your students at the end of the day. Even though the office has moved, we still need the space to accommodate all the vehicles at pick up. (If we don't pull all the way forward, this causes the backups on Nixon Rd.)
Just a friendly reminder that dismissal is at 2:25pm and there is no adult supervision after 2:40pm. Please make sure that your student(s) have transportation arranged.
Due to the construction of our main office, we are unable to accommodate having students wait to be picked up. If you need to pick up your student before dismissal, please give yourself extra time for the secretaries to call down your student to the office once you arrive. Thank you.
Over the past couple of weeks construction has begun on the Hayes Intermediate campus. By August 2025, Hayes is scheduled to have new driveways and parking lots (to improve traffic safety and efficiency), a secure entrance (to improve safety), more interior classroom space (to eliminate the portable), and heating/AC/roof upgrades.
The main entrance of the school will be through Door #19 (near the existing Student Services office). Signs will help guide the way to the new (temporary) entrance.
If you plan to volunteer or need to enter the building for an extended period of time, including chaperoning for the upcoming dance party, please fill out this application. This is REQUIRED when coming to volunteer in our building. It takes a couple of days for the background check to be completed, so please plan accordingly based on your volunteering schedule
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We have an outstanding joint PTO with Beagle Middle School. They have provided several incredible opportunities for our students and staff over the past few years. To stay current on updates and meetings, click here.
The next meeting is March 11th.
District News, Events, & Community Information
View flyers and more of what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information by visiting: GLcomets.net/Upcoming