Hayes Intermediate Newsletter
Eric Leopold, Principal
Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal
Office Phone: 517-925-5740 Office Fax: 517-925-5772
-Quick Reminders
- Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
- Candy Cane Sales
- The Old Newsboys Association
- Drive Thru Mobile Food Distributions
-Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
-Hayes Happenings!
-District News, Events, & Community Information
-Volunteer Application
-Advisory of phones outside of school
-Reminders from the office
November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
December 2: NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD)
December 2: Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser - ALL DAY
December 3: Classes Resume
December 10: PTO Meeting at 6:30pm
December 23 - January 3: Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 6: NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD)
January 7: Classes Resume
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
- Hayes Intermediate Staff and Faculty
- Winter is here and so is the cold. At this age, we have outdoor recess year-round. Please make sure students are dressed for the weather. Boots, hats, gloves and coats will ensure students are comfortable outdoors as well as indoors in dry clothing. Students are also permitted to keep extra clothing in their locker in the event that they need to change during school hours.
Home transportation changes:
2pm is the cut-off time if you need to change the means of transportation which your student normally takes (i.e. normally takes the bus, but will be parent pick up instead).
Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
On Monday, December 2nd at the Buffalo Wild Wings on the West Side is donating 20% of proceeds to the Grand Ledge Lacrosse Club! Show the image below to your servers and 20% of your total bill will go towards the Grand Ledge Lacrosse Club. This fundraiser is all day on 12/2/24.
Future City Round 1 Complete
Over the past few months, approximately 330 of our 6th Grade students have been able to participate in the Future City program. Future City has students plan a city of the future using engineering design principles. As a part of the project, teams solve a problem (in this case, a floating city), prepare an essay, build a 3D model, and deliver a presentation. On November 20-22 the Future City classroom presentations were held. Moving on to the 2nd round of the schoolwide program are the following 6 cities:
El Futuro Na Hokokaia River Stone City Shrektopia New Sandiego Aquatopia
If your student is the "presenter" of one of those cities, they will be invited to a special Round 2 presentation during school hours on December 9th. More communication will come about that next week.
On December 6th and 13th bring $1 each date to buy candy canes! A cart will come by each date in the afternoon to classrooms.
The Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing is a nonprofit charitable organization whose sole purpose is to provide footwear to needy school children. This includes well fitting school shoes, warm boots and socks. For, assistance and to obtain a request for footwear form, please contact our office.
Drive-Thru Mobile Food Distributions
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We have an outstanding joint PTO with Beagle Middle School. They have provided several incredible opportunities for our students and staff over the past few years. To stay current on updates and meetings, click here.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30 pm at the Beagle Media Center. Families may also attend this meeting virtually. Click on the link above for more information.
The school news is a completely student-led operation. They work hard creating and putting together content each week! They analyze and critique each episode as a class on Mondays and aim to improve each week. Thank you for supporting and encouraging our students. Here is a link for this weeks episode.
District News, Events, & Community Information
View flyers and more of what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information by visiting: GLcomets.net/Upcoming
If you plan to volunteer or need to enter the building for an extended period of time, please fill out this application. This is REQUIRED when coming to volunteer in our building. It takes a couple of days for the background check to be completed, so please plan accordingly based on your volunteering schedule
Advisory on phones outside of school
We have started getting reports of questionable activities that students are doing with their phones outside of school hours. Of course, we don’t monitor student phone usage as phones are not allowed during the school day at Hayes. That said, students often tell us about TikTok and YouTube videos that they watch after school that most parents would not find appropriate for 10 and 11 year olds. Once students see alarming things, they cannot unsee them. We also are occasionally asked to intervene in inappropriate SnapChat or Instagram conversations that happen outside of school. Most social media sites require members to be 13 years old before even creating an account, but kids often bypass that by simply saying they are old enough. For the safety of all, if you allow your child to have a cell phone, please consider setting parental controls and carefully monitor their use.
Reminders from the Office
- Mrs. Quagliata, Secretary: quagliatap@glcomets.net
- Mrs. LeBlanc, Secretary: leblancm@glcomets.net
- Mrs. Nelson, Secretary: nelsonl@glcomets.net
- Mrs. Lozon, Secretary: lozonw@glcomets.net
All medication needs to be brought to school by a parent/guardian. This includes all over the counter medication (cough drops, Tylenol, Motrin, etc). Prescription and over the counter medications require a doctors order for the school to administer them, that includes creams, lotions. and cough drops. You will find medication authorization documents at this link. -Lisa Bentley, Medical TA: bentleyl@glcomets.net
Please mark your student(s) clothing and keep an eye out for missing clothing and personal items: jacket, hat, gloves, water bottle, lunch box. Marking items helps us to reunite students with their items. Our lost and found area fills up quickly. Stop in to reclaim items your student may have misplaced as soon as possible. Items that are not claimed after a few months will be donated to a local clothing bank.
Absences: If your student will be absent and cannot attend school it is your responsibility to notify the school office, whether it is for illness, vacation, or personal reasons. Please call: 517-925-5333 with your students first and last name, teacher name, and if the student is ill please also include the symptoms, such as: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, cough, congestion, pink eye, etc. The detailed information is needed for our weekly health report.
If we are unavailable to answer the phone, please leave a voice mail. You may also email the notification. You may use our attendance email address: HAAttendance@glcomets.net
Absence Due to Illness (AE): Student's must be 24 hours fever, vomiting or diarrhea free before returning to school. If they are diagnosed with a contagious illness, such as pink eye, they must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before they can return to school.
Absence Due to Dr. Visit (AD): If your student is absent due to a dr. visit, or illness that involved a dr. visit, please send in a copy of the dr. note indicating the dr. excused absence with included dates. Dr. excused absences do not go against the student's attendance record. Thank you for your cooperation.
Truancy: How many days of school can you miss before truancy in Michigan? Truant means a child who has ten (10) or more unexcused absences per school year. Once a student is deemed truant, a child shall be monitored throughout the school year by the county until improved attendance is consistent.
Studies have shown that students who are chronically absent, missing 10 or more days in a school year, may experience low success rates in math and reading by grade 3. Many absences are excused due to illness., but they still add up to lost time in the classroom. Please be conscientious of your student(s) attendance.
Picking up a student during school hours
To ensure the safety of all students, our staff will not call students to the office to leave early for the day until the person picking them up has presented a valid photo ID and completed the sign-out process. Please plan accordingly for appointments, allowing extra time for this procedure. Additionally, it's important to keep your student's contact information current. If someone not listed on your student's emergency contact list arrives to pick them up, we will not be able to release your student to them.
Home transportation changes:
2pm is the cut-off time if you need to change the means of transportation which your student normally takes (i.e. normally takes the bus, but will be parent pick up instead).
School Arrival:
Classes start at 7:40 am
School dismissal: 2:25 pm
Half day dismissal: 10:45 am
COVID Reporting:
to report a positive covid case, please complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form
Office Hours:
7:00 am - 3:15 pm